Wednesday, 21 September 2016


A refugee is someone who has been forced to leave there county because of bombing or the goverment as said get out of my county.
Refugees dont often get to pack so they can only take 1 or 2 thing with them. Refugees have to walk a really long time sometimes.
Refugees have to leave there homes every day
At the end of 2013 there were 16.7 million refugees worldwide and it is estimated that 50% of refugees are under 18.
If you have fled your county you are not alloud to enter your county ever again.
Refugee kids don't often get to go to school but if they do the get bullied because they are refugees.
I hope you have learnt a bit more about refugees.

The werid old witch

The weird old witch

Once there was a bad witch who was really mean. The witch had black hair and this thing that goes over her head, a black dress and horse legs. The witch loved to smell farts and put them in a jar and every day she would smell one jar. The witch loved eating food well not really food she liked to eat dirt and mouldy food but her favourite food was tiny little people.

The witch would hide in bushes and when a little person walked passed she would grab them and put them in a bag and walk home and cook them and eat them.

The little people were getting sick of this witch eating all there friends so they decided so make a army to stop the witch. There plan was to capture the witch put her in a bag then eat her, well at least cook her but they knew the witch was a lot bigger than they are so they would need to get a big army and a big bag.
The little people found a big bag and a big army so all they needed to do was hide in a bush and wait for the witch to come past but when they got in the bush the witch was hiding in the same bush the witch grabbed them and put them in her bag and walked to her witch tower but she didn't get all the little people one little person hid in a different bush. The little person followed the witch home and when the witch was starting up the oven he cut open they bag and let all the little people out and went back to they bush that they were hiding in and when the witch was looking for the little people they grabbed her and put her in a bag and cooked her and they never got court by a witch again.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Springston basketball after game report week 10

After game report week 10

Skate park in Springston Speech

Skatepark in Springston

Have you ever been sitting at home in Springston wondering what to do with yourself? You’ve tried watching TV, playing outside, and even tidying your room- but you just can’t think of anything fun to do!
Well, my name is Jack T and I have a great solution for you!
In my opinion Springston desperately needs a skatepark to stop people getting bored. I have three points to convince you of how much we need one.

Firstly, we have a great location for a skatepark already sorted out! I believe that putting it beside the dairy because there is a great spot beside it and the dairy would get more people buying stuff.
People from Springston who go to skateparks are getting sick of needing to go all the way to Prebbleton and Rolleston or wherever they go.

Secondly, a lot of Springston kids would use it. Springston is a small place but has lots of kids who like scootering and some of them can never go to skateparks so if there was one in Springston there would be no problem going to the skatepark.
There isn't much to do in springston so a skatepark would be awesome.

Thirdly, it would reduce the amount of bad behaviour around the town. At Springston School kids sometimes ride their scooters in places where they are not allowed to ride them if there was a skatepark in Springston kids would be allowed to go there at breaks and that would stop them from going in places they are not allowed to go in.
Hopefully we can get a skatepark in Springston because of these reasons.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Life processes

Living organisms have certain life processes in common. There are seven things that they need to do to count as being alive. the phrase MRS GREN  is one way to remember them. These letters stand for movement, respiration sentivety growth reproduction excretion and nutrition.

It can be easy to tell if something is living or not. A teddy bear might look like a bear but it can not do the same thing it needs to be able to do to count as being alive all it can do is sit down and do nothing. 

On the other hand a car can move. It gets energy from petrol (like nutrition and respiration) it might have a car alarm so it has senses. 

Movement is one of the conditions of a living organism. Sometimes it is not that obvious. An example of this is plants such as an apple tree.

Respiration, or being able to breathe, is the next condition. Some living things breathe oxygen in the air using lungs whilst others use lungs to breathe in water, e.g. fish. 

Sensitivity is all about being able to detect changes in the environment around the living organism. Examples of this include whiskers on cats and antennae on insects.

The G in MRSGREN stands for growth and all living things do this even if it is really slow. One of the slowest growing things is a coral reef like in Australia.

All living things are capable of reproduction and different species produce different numbers of offspring. Frogs lay a lot of eggs but humans usually have less than five babies.

Another thing that living things need to do is get rid of waste materials and this prosess is called excretion. This comes in different forms such as CO2 from breathing and urine in pee.

Nutrition is about obtaining and consuming food. It is the final letter in the mnemonic MRSGREN. This means that all living things have to eat or they will die. For example, I need to eat a lot of potatoes!

In conclusion, it is well know that the diversity of life on Earth is massive. You have to do things to stay alive or you will face death.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

My Leadership Bio Blurb

Jack T has just started Springston School this year and thinks it is great. Jack moved here from Waimate. Jack's mum and dad’s names are Kristie and Ryan. Jack has two brothers called Max and Izac plus one sister called Indy.
Jack loves sport, computer gaming, and wrestling (WWE). He has liked these things all of his life so far. The sports that Jack likes are cricket, basketball, rugby, soccer, athletics, and most sports with lots of action going on. He is a happy person and is good at sport and games.

His goals for this year are to do well at all sport around the school and get to zones and higher.
Displaying Jack T.jpg